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Real Estate and Urban Development

The Real Estate & Urban Law practice specializes in matters related to real estate development, urban planning, land management and the rights derived therefrom where we have extensive experience in:

  • Processing of urban planning licenses before planning secretariats and Urban Curator's offices nationwide.
  • Partial plans.
  • Structuring of Macroprojects.
  • Formulation of Implantation Plans.
  • Regularization and management plans.
  • Regulatory concepts of use and buildability.
  • Sanctioning processes before national, district and municipal authorities.
  • Horizontal property regulations and lot grouping.
  • Verification of participation in capital gains.
  • Declaration of Cultural Interest Assets.
  • Special Management and Protection Plans -PEMP-.
  • Environmental Management Plans -PMA-.
  • Study of Titles.
  • Sale and lease of real estate.
  • Concept and management of Family Farming Units -UAF-.
  • Deeds for land subdivision and subdivision.
  • Real estate and urban due diligence processes.
  • Development of legal vehicles in real estate trusts.


Oscar Mario Botero Restrepo



Real Estate and Urban Development

The Real Estate & Urban Law practice specializes in matters related to real estate development, urban planning, land management and the rights derived therefrom where we have extensive experience in:

  • Processing of urban planning licenses before planning secretariats and Urban Curator's offices nationwide.
  • Partial plans.
  • Structuring of Macroprojects.
  • Formulation of Implantation Plans.
  • Regularization and management plans.
  • Regulatory concepts of use and buildability.
  • Sanctioning processes before national, district and municipal authorities.
  • Horizontal property regulations and lot grouping.
  • Verification of participation in capital gains.
  • Declaration of Cultural Interest Assets.
  • Special Management and Protection Plans -PEMP-.
  • Environmental Management Plans -PMA-.
  • Study of Titles.
  • Sale and lease of real estate.
  • Concept and management of Family Farming Units -UAF-.
  • Deeds for land subdivision and subdivision.
  • Real estate and urban due diligence processes.
  • Development of legal vehicles in real estate trusts.


Oscar Mario Botero Restrepo
